Unveiling the Splendor of July Birthstone: Ruby | Minerals Hub
Explore the captivating allure and rich symbolism of July birthstone, the majestic ruby. Learn about its history, properties, and contemporary uses in fine jewelry.
” The ruby is the king of precious gems “
“A famous quote about ruby, If I decide to make a coat red in the show, it’s not just red, I think: is it communist red? Is it cherry cordial? Is it ruby red? Or is it apple red? Or the big red balloon red?”
Ruby Associations :
Heart Chakra, Base Chakra Birthstone
July Zodiac
Aries, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius Anniversary
15th, 40th Hardness
9 Planet
Sun Color
Pinkish-red to Red Healing Properties of Ruby:
Rubies, besides their captivating beauty, are believed to possess various healing properties that have fascinated cultures for centuries. While scientific evidence may not fully support these claims, many individuals find solace and comfort in the purported healing energies of this majestic gemstone.
Energy Enhancement:
Rubies are thought to stimulate the base chakra, promoting vitality and life force energy throughout the body. It is believed that wearing or carrying a ruby can help enhance one’s physical strength and stamina, providing a sense of vitality and vigor.
Emotional Healing:
In the realm of emotional healing, rubies are often associated with passion, courage, and emotional strength. It is believed that wearing a ruby can help alleviate feelings of fear and insecurity, fostering confidence and self-assurance. Additionally, some traditions suggest that rubies can aid in overcoming grief and restoring emotional balance.
Vitality and Passion:
Rubies are often considered a symbol of love and passion, igniting the flame of desire and romance. They are believed to enhance one’s ability to express love and affection, fostering deeper connections in relationships. By wearing a ruby, individuals may experience heightened sensuality and a renewed sense of passion in their lives.
Protection and Grounding:
Throughout history, rubies have been revered as talismans of protection, believed to ward off negative energies and evil spirits. It is thought that wearing a ruby can create a protective shield around the wearer, shielding them from harm and providing a sense of security. Additionally, rubies are said to have grounding properties, helping to anchor individuals to the present moment and promote feelings of stability and balance.
Vitalizing the Blood:
In traditional healing practices, rubies were believed to have a positive effect on the blood and circulatory system. It is thought that wearing a ruby can help improve blood circulation and promote overall vitality and well-being. Some also believe that rubies can aid in detoxification and purification processes within the body, supporting overall health and vitality.
While the healing properties of rubies remain largely anecdotal, many individuals continue to be drawn to the beauty and mystique of this exquisite gemstone. Whether worn as a symbol of love and passion or cherished for its purported healing energies, the ruby continues to enchant and inspire generations with its timeless allure.
Other Birthstone for July:
Ten different stones are listed as birthstones for the calendar month of July, depending upon star position, planetary, or talismanic stones for the Zodiac sign of Cancer or Leo.
Modern Birthstone Onyx
Leo (Star Sign) Sapphire
Cancer (Talismanic Stone) Sardonyx
Leo (Star Sign) Carnelian
Ancient Arabic July Birthstone Emerald
Cancer (Star Sign) Moonstone
Cancer (Planetary Stone) Pearl
Cancer (Star Sign) Tourmaline
Leo (Star Sign) Diamond
Leo (Talismanic Stone) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is July birthstone?
- July’s birthstone is the ruby, a precious gemstone known for its vibrant red color and exceptional beauty.
What does the ruby symbolize?
- Rubies symbolize passion, vitality, and courage. They are often associated with love, prosperity, and protection.
What is the meaning behind wearing a ruby?
- Wearing a ruby is believed to bring good fortune, love, and protection to the wearer. It is also thought to enhance energy levels, promote emotional strength, and ignite feelings of passion and desire.
Where are rubies found?
- Rubies are found in various parts of the world, including Myanmar (Burma), Sri Lanka, Thailand, Mozambique, Madagascar, and Tanzania. Each region produces rubies with unique characteristics and qualities.
How is the quality of a ruby determined?
- The quality of a ruby is determined by factors such as color, clarity, cut, and carat weight. The most prized rubies have a vivid red color, known as “pigeon’s blood,” and exhibit excellent clarity and transparency.
Are rubies expensive?
- Rubies are considered one of the most valuable gemstones, especially those with exceptional color and clarity. The price of a ruby depends on its quality, size, and origin, with some rare specimens fetching high prices in the market.
Can rubies be worn in jewelry every day?
- Yes, rubies are durable gemstones with a hardness of 9 on the Mohs scale, making them suitable for everyday wear in jewelry such as rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. However, it is essential to handle them with care to avoid scratching or chipping.
Do rubies have any healing properties?
- While there is no scientific evidence to support the healing properties of rubies, many believe that wearing or carrying a ruby can promote vitality, emotional strength, and protection. Rubies are also thought to stimulate the base chakra and enhance feelings of passion and love.
Can synthetic rubies be used as birthstones?
- Synthetic rubies, which are lab-created gemstones, can be used as birthstones for July. While they have the same chemical composition and physical properties as natural rubies, synthetic rubies are typically more affordable and accessible.
Are there any myths or legends associated with rubies?
- Throughout history, rubies have been surrounded by myths, legends, and folklore. In many cultures, rubies were believed to have magical powers and were worn as talismans for protection and good fortune. Legends also tell of rubies possessing the ability to confer invincibility and success in battle.